#LunchtimeRant Episode 15 4L's (LOVE, LIFE, LAUGH, LIVE) #DreamsAreTangibleGoals #FollowMeGaryVee

First podcast of 2020. First Lunchtime rant in the new Decade. In short i wanted to explain to the audience the reasons why I posted. Disclaimer: pardon it was a windy day.

Previously on Memoirs of Sagittarius

1. http://www.dreamsaretangiblegoals.com/journal/2020/1/2/souvlaki-amp-aliens-in-athens-greece-bonus-1982-ft-reks-play-your-role-video-memorylane

2. http://www.dreamsaretangiblegoals.com/journal/2020/1/1/the-night-la-bellevlloise-got-bodied-paris-explicit-language-memorylane

From Greece to Paris, it was all a Dream for Reks and I. The Moral of the story when we knew in our hearts that we belonged in the music industry, when we believed in our abilities that we could be special. This was accomplished because we Loved what we were doing We lived our Lives to the fullest Laugh at the Haters and smiled and appreciated that we are LIVING our Dreams