Ankles Throbbing & Sweating Bullets = Priceless Reward #DreamsAreTangibleGoals

I have been paying for this domain but i haven't been utilizing it. Similar to my legs and my cardiovascular system. At 38 years old starring at 40 years old, it's tough to get started. I have to thank my student athlete's who inspire me daily, my wife for her continue support and the homies Coach Dennis Sheppard of Marshfield High School and my Assistant Coach Steve Gentassio for getting me running. 

I created this blog many moons ago to track my progress towards completing two bucket list goals of completing a Half & Full Marathon. Let me tell you something that's some wishful thinking but in fact it became reality. The harsh truth accepting the condition and how out of shape I truly am.  Today i decided to join in a workout with Tim Broe & Erin Flynn from BostonXC Summer Session. The workout was working on tempo and pacing. I ran 6 x 400, man listen and 3 Hill Sprints at the end, i couldn't even do the cool down. 

I am looking forward to being consistency and growing into become a runner.  On the way home from my workout i checked in with my lady and she gave me some wonderful news, her little brother's girlfriend delivered the newest addition to the family tree. After icing my knees i indulged in dinner. 


Breakast: Two Bowls of Honey Bunches of Oats Almonds 

Lunch: Egg Salad sandwich 

Pre-workout: Banana

Post Workout: Gatorade Protein Bar Chocolate

Dinner: Brocoli, Corn & Chicken