Webisode 5 | 7 Miles at the World's End

Last mile was sloppy I just wanted to get it over with but I am pleased with my efforts. Next week I move the Long run up to 8 miles. I am looking forward to the challenge as well as growing, despite the aches and pains, the feeling is normal but the feeling of accomplishments has been motivation factor. The most mileage I have done in 20 years, longest run i have done in 20 years. I want to thank everyone who has been supporting me and the website.

Heartbreak Hill & Aleve Pain

I didn't want to speak to soon, but muscle spasms got the best of me. Felt good running, don't really press accept on the downhill. I was just raving to my student athlete's about how I am feeling confident and I hadn't gotten hurt.  I don't want to blame the weather i'll take full responsibility I didn't stretch or foam roll post run, the original plan was to do that when I get home, i just showered and ate when i arrived home. In the middle of the night I was tossing and turning because of the tightness in my lower back and hip. Flexibility and range of motion are in essence the key to proper running mechanics but you can't forget about the tedious stuff, foam roller, yoga for breathing and stretching. 

I decided to get up around 4:30am and do some yoga before I went to work, start doing my Sun Salutation routine and decided to skip and got towards static stretching attempting to touch my toes without a proper warmup my back and body tensed up with a knot in my lower back. Thank God my wife was sleeping in the next room, after I yelled out for her name, she came and gave me some Aleve Pain medication and rubbed Bengay on my lower back. Friendly reminder lesson learned, must respect the process, the tedious stuff matter especially if you haven't ran competitively in 20 years. Back to the grind, have a recovery run of 30 Minutes on the agenda. 

Webisode 3 | World's End in Hingham

Webisode 3 minus me alluding in the video that this was the 6th Webisode, mistake on my part. I was just ecstatic on the fact that I ran 6 miles. I haven't had the ability to do that in over 20 years. I am looking forward to getting stronger, and having the ability to run more efficient.  A wise man named Bill Squires once mentioned that the "Long Run puts the tiger in the Cat".  World's End is tough course in my opinion but the hills have been working on me.