Absence makes the heart grow founder, it has been a minute it's been entirely too long since the last time I posted. My finance this just tells you how much time flies, she is like why are you paying for this domain when you don't use it. I totally agree this is a fair assessment especially I haven't taken recent advantage it's been over a year since we last heard for me.  Brief little update, I got engage in December 25, 2014 to amazing woman in StylesbyP


Tuesday April 29, 2k14

#NodaysOff No cliche but as far as training Coach Ahmed told me to chill and relax, so in route to the Healey Libray to prepare for an upcoming exam, I couldn't help that the Greatest Entertainer from my generation was melodically guiding me on the beach front through my headphones as these words resonate and bounce of the bass from my eardrums"When the world is on your shoulder Gotta straighten up your act and boogie down" - THE GOAT - Michael Jackson

Despite the Winds since I was by the beachfront, I decided to take a #Selfie, which is very rare but I wanted to share via IG:iammrjump 

After the Library on the ride home, stopped as subway and got a 6inch for $3 dollars what a deal. Since the new season of the Boondocks had started I had to get caught up. Ironically in the World of Sports New NBA Commissioner Adam Silverman announced a lifetime ban on Clippers owner Donald Sterling for life. SMDH the sad part about this he is a billionaire no matter the sanctions or fine he is still going to make $ if he is forced to sell the team, enough of my tirade. My answer to the Uncle Rukus and Donald Sterling off the world is to be successful is the biggest form of vengeance 


8:19pm April 28, 2k14


Just finished my workout at the Reggie Lewis. After work I went to City Sports downtown Boston and purchased some new running sneakers a new gym bag and shirt to run in.

When I got to the Reggie Lewis I had to due a my warm 800 metes indoor 4 laps. Started off with some stretching, did some drills working on form then light upper body workout to shock the muscles. After that I ran a mile.

Pre WORKOUT - soundtrack of the day: ALL EYEZ ON ME from the one of the greatest writers in hiphop history. I sure got my mind made up, came home to a bomb dinner, Salmon with Asparagus, mixed vegatables with quinoa. Also I am reaching my goal with my walkmate and app via Samsung

Day 3 - Weather 43 Degrees - 5:43 am

April 24, 2k14 

Thank you creator for a new day new opportunities, this morning was fulfilling, due to the wind I decided to take my talents to Planet Fitness. I started off with 15 mins of stretching. After getting a little loose I went on the treadmill the fulfillment came when I finished a mile non-stop. At the half mile mark I wanted to stop and walk, the last 800 meters especially the last two days I would walk the 1st half mile and jog the other half mile. Today was different felt the strength at the half mile mark to continue which I did. Far as I am concern this is progress and it's motivation to continue.The Soundtrack for the morning was from the boys from 215, World Famous Legendary Roots Crew. Illadelph Halflife dope album from top to bottom.. Starting off with my joint Clones

Regardless I have a long way to go, In the meanwhile  I feel stronger everyday, I came into work and my boss mentioned she noticed the difference, I have lost 7 lbs since last week I am currently 193 lbs. The next phase in reaching my goals is my diet. I never said no to Steak N Cheese, with cooked onions, peppers, mushrooms and ketchup and mayo toast the bread SMDH. My lady says I use food as a drug, she maybe right, lmaooo.. OKAY SHE IS RIGHT Recently I have been drinking more water, haven't been eating fast food. My cheat day last friday was sushi, I feel like I am making leaps I would have gotten my usual Schezuan Chicken with Shrimp Fried Rice, 3 appetizers (Crab Ragoon, Chicken Wings, Beef Teryiaki) - side note just want to salute my new joint Yummy Teriyaki <----- Don't sleep on this spot if you are in North Boston area

IG of the day: iamMrjump
